Happy New Year!

Did you make any New Year's resolutions? How's it going, so far?

I try to set resolutions that are reasonable and attainable. This year, I hope to be a more patient driver, as well as taking some holiday weight off s l o w l y....

As you can see, patience is hard for me. I'm trying.

Let's talk about your 2022 Style resolutions!

What do you want that to look like??

Do you feel like your wardrobe is getting there, but needs more help? Are you afraid to try a new look? What's holding you back?

If we haven't worked on your fashion style yet, we can start by getting your basic pieces of clothing in order. Once the basics are in place, we can be off and running!

If we've already spent time together in your closet and/or shopping, we have more work to do! With the basics in place, we can now expand into fun and unique boutiques and specialty stores outside the mall arena. That's when your look starts to become fun and exciting. That's how we make it your own!

It's a new year and a new you is waiting to shine even brighter!

Let's get started!


What is a Closet Edit?